Two thoughts from Shane

I hear people saying things like, “if you don’t like it, you shouldn’t have come to prison!”, or “inmates deserve everything they get!”. I suppose there is some truth to these statements, but most people use these sentiments as an excuse just to be cruel. Here are some other true statements. Not everyone in prison is guilty. Some inmates are here simply because of one bad choice. Which do you think is a better way to treat inmates: Be as cruel as we can be to inmates to ensure we punish the guilty! or Treat every inmate as though they could be one of the innocent ones to be certain we are not mistreating any potential innocent person!? Do you think people will make this into a more difficult choice than it really is?


Just a few months ago, I was thinking about how long I have been in prison. I was 26 when I got arrested, and I am now 51. In another year, I will have spent the first 26 years of my life as a free man, and the second 26 consecutive years incarcerated. That is a sobering thought. My Mother would likely tell you that I have always been a better listener than I ever was a talker. I am not good at giving speeches or any kind of dissertation. I enjoy the give and take in a conversation. I am interested in what people want to know. I would prefer for y’all to ask me any question you want. I will answer every one of your questions honestly. I may even be a little direct in my response. Nevertheless, you will get an answer.

2 Responses to “Two thoughts from Shane”

  1. Jeff Granger says:

    I left a modest contribution today for your excellent cause. I am so sorry that you have been treated so unjustly by our deeply flawed “justice” system. Your case screams for justice, and no one in their right mind could deny that. I wish you the peace and certainty of vindication and liberty. Be as well as you can be, brother, and please don’t abandon hope.

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Shane Crum - Victim of Injustice